Sunday, April 26, 2009

FEMA Camps, Coffins, Military Mass Graves

So here is what is getting people curious besides the FEMA camps that Glenn Beck pretended to investigate:

Acres of Fema Coffins

Millitary Mass Graves in Phoenix and Near Chicago

Posted on February 13, 2009 (before swine flu broke out)

A new efficient way to bury veterans and soldiers? Apparently they are now going to be buried 4 to a grave. Cemetary coordiator speaking to local news says each one is for 4 soldiers or 3 vets or 2 soldiers and their spouses. I guess now we bury the surviving spouses? Here is the standard procedure for setting up a veterans' cemetary:

When was the last time you went to a funeral and saw the deceased lowered into a big cement container the size of an elephant? People ask, why do it in the open? Have you looked at the Google Map? It's on a road hardly anybody would drive down and unless you're a local you probably wouldn't know it's a cemetery. Even if 2000 vets are dying a day, but they wouldn't all be buried in the same place and not in this manner. - shockadelicaustralia

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